出張が少ない12月、事務処理が進むDecember at My Desk: Less Travel, More Paperwork

2024.12.04 未分類



Since last Thursday, I’ve been staying at the university. While I will have two visitors, there won’t be any business trips until mid-December. It makes me feel peaceful and relaxed.

Staying inside helps me catch up with the paperwork that’s been piling up 📝. Though I can’t take photos of new places, I love the familiar maneki-neko at our local Toyohashi Station – it’s so distinctly Japanese 😺.

複合領域研究特論での司会で領域横断👨‍🏫 ✨Chairing and Bridging Disciplines in the Seminar on Interdisciplinary Research”

2024.12.03 未分類

複合領域研究特論で、研究室D2のRifat君が発表。私が司会を担当しました。2回の改訂で内容は分かりやすくなりましたが、建築・都市工学系の学生への説明は難しかったですね。それでも、司会として受講生を議論に巻き込めて、基礎から応用まで話が広がり、楽しかったです 👨‍🏫 ✨

In the Seminar on Interdisciplinary Research, my Ph.D. student Rifat presented, and I chaired the session. His presentation improved through two revisions, though explaining technical concepts to architectural students was still challenging. I enjoyed leading discussions that brought together basic principles and applications 👨‍🏫 ✨

クエストはまちなかだけに限らない⚔️Quests are not limited to downtown

2024.12.02 未分類

豊橋のまちなか図書館(2F)から下を見ると、子どもたちがバトルしてました⚔️ なぜ?

まちなかクエストというイベントでした。 息子は500円のクエストに挑戦。ゲーム4回と妖精を探すクエストでした。こんな世界体験ゲームは、面白いですね。大学だと、学生が自然にクエストを見つけられる仕組みがあるといいね。

Looking down from the second floor of Toyohashi’s downtown library, I saw children engaged in battles⚔️. Why?

It was an event called ‘Machinaka Quest.’ My son took on the 500-yen quest challenge, which included four games and a fairy-finding mission. These immersive gaming experiences are fascinating. It would be wonderful if universities could create systems where students naturally discover their own quests.

#まちなかクエスト, #MachinakaQuest

ピケティの理論が優待券消化になる🛍️♨️ Piketty’s Theory Turns Into Shareholder Perks

2024.12.01 未分類

🛍️♨️ ピケティのr>g理論を信じ、優待株も持っています。11月末期限の株主優待券が残っていました。そこで桐谷さんみたいなことをやりました。


Believing in Piketty’s r>g theory†, I hold stocks offering shareholder benefits. As November ended, I found myself with expiring benefit coupons. Inspired by Mr. Kiritani‡, I set out to use them.

I managed to use coupons only at Gokurakuyu*, Bic Camera, and Kojima. Restaurant vouchers went unused due to my limited appetite and distant locations. Though rushing around to use these coupons seemed hectic, it turned out to be unexpectedly interesting.

  1. Piketty’s r>g theory† † A key economic theory by Thomas Piketty stating that the rate of return on capital (r) tends to exceed the economic growth rate (g), leading to wealth concentration.
  2. Mr. Kiritani‡ ‡ A famous Japanese individual investor known for maximizing shareholder benefits, often appearing in Japanese media as an expert on utilizing shareholder perks.
  3. Gokurakuyu* A Japanese public bath (onsen) chain offering spa facilities and relaxation services.

FT2024朝ジョギング会  4人→20人に成長 FT2024 Morning Jogging Club: Growth From 4 to 20

2024.11.30 未分類

🏃 FT2024のジョギング会、初日は4人でした。それを橋本さんが学会中に宣伝してくれました。3日目にどこまで増えるかな?


🏃 The FT2024 jogging group started with just four people. Dr. Hashimoto promoted it during the conference, and we wondered how many would join.

By the final day, we had nearly 20 participants. The mix of walkers and runners created a welcoming atmosphere. These morning activities brought us closer than formal conference meetings. I’m grateful to all participants.

学生の自立心を感じたポスター発表FT2024 Student Research Presentations Demonstrating Scientific Independence

2024.11.28 未分類



As an organizer of FT2024, I could only watch over the laboratory students’ presentations from a distance, without offering direct assistance.

Nevertheless, I was impressed by how they took ownership of their research and confidently explained their work to visitors. Their presentations showed remarkable strength and conviction. It was gratifying to provide this opportunity to 14 students, seeing them grow through their interactions with visitors.

留学生のポスター発表 Poster Session @FT2024 Sendai

2024.11.27 未分類

Four international students’ first poster presentation at FT2024 Sendai. It can be stressful when language barriers limit the number of visitors they can interact with.

To address this, they considered effective presentation styles, incorporating actual devices, videos, and partial Japanese language elements. Looking forward to their next presentation.


学会初の朝ジョギング会で新たな交流!The first Morning Jog Club Creates New Conference Connections!

2024.11.26 未分類



Inspired by Hashimoto-san, we launched the conference’s first morning jogging club, curious about who would join us in Sendai’s chilly dawn.

Four runners gathered on our inaugural day for a photo by the Kokeshi monument. We completed three laps of Nishi Park, covering 3km. This energizing morning activity was a welcome alternative to evening meetings. We’ve created a LINE group and look forward to growing our jogging community! 🏃‍♂️

学会前日、仙台国際センターにて🏢The Day Before: At Sendai International Center

2024.11.25 未分類



From Nov 25, we’re hosting a conference at Sendai International Center. The main hall looks perfect with final checks done. Exhibition booths and poster panels are being arranged smoothly – everything is coming together nicely.

In the evening, four committee members shared local Sendai specialties while reviewing preparations and planning next year’s conference. Whatever will be, will be.🌟

浜北森林アスレチック30年後も達成したいHamakita Forest Athletic Park: My 30-Year Challenge

2024.11.24 未分類


大人で全部やっている人は見なかったな。私は?もちろん自分は全部楽しむ人です。あと30年後も全部できる体力が残っているといいな 。研究教育も含めて💪

After six years, I took my family to Hamakita Forest Athletic Park in northern Hamamatsu City. With 40 different athletic obstacles taking two hours to complete, it’s quite a challenge.

While most adults skip some obstacles, I’m the type who enjoys trying everything! I hope to maintain this energy to tackle all these activities even 30 years from now, for both my research and teaching career 💪.



機械工学系 マイクロ・ナノ機械システム研究室

国立大学法人 豊橋技術科学大学


〒441-8580 愛知県豊橋市天伯町雲雀ヶ丘1-1

E-mail: web-info@hmn.me.tut.ac.jp

Copyright © 豊橋技術科学大学 ハイスループットマイクロ・ナノ工学研究室

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