地域の図書館も教育機関 Local libraries: pillars of community education

2024.10.27 未分類


During my visit home, I revisited the Fuso-cho Library. Growing up here, we had fewer educational options than in the city.

Though modest in size, this library was more than enough for me throughout my school years. The curiosity and self-study habits I developed here became essential to my current career. These local libraries are truly invaluable.

愛嬌成分を加えたいMore charm to my personality

2024.10.26 未分類



I want to add more charm to my personality.At a family lunch, a server my age made mistakes with our order and bill. Our coffee came as ginger ale. Each time she made a mistake, she smiled sweetly and said, “This’ll be our little secret!”

Although her words were questionable, her charm made me forgive her easily. It made me think about how I want to balance reliability with charm in my own life.

見ているだけよりは作りたいHands-on Experience Matters

2024.10.25 未分類



Attended “Dancing Halloween Night” at Loisir Hotel Toyohashi. I was tired after Toyohashi Festival and went without much expectation.

The Halloween atmosphere was impressive with witches and kimono-clad guests – quite different from Toyohashi Festival! Making a fox mask was a fun family activity. Creating something myself truly left a more lasting impression than watching.

好奇心増大 Growing Curiosity

2024.10.24 未分類

Encountered a brown praying mantis on my commute to the university. Has it changed from green to brown because of autumn? Why does its shape look so aggressive?
My curiosity continues to grow even as I age, though I’m no longer young enough to catch and keep them as pets.

Amazed by the Response to my Facebook Post 投稿への反応の驚き

2024.10.23 未分類

Your response to my recent Facebook posts about the farewell gathering and final presentation is amazing! Nearly 100 likes and 30-40 heartwarming comments, plus increased lab website traffic – I’m truly touched and surprised.

I usually just share simple updates about my daily activities. This overwhelming response left me wide-eyed with surprise. I’m deeply grateful for all your warm encouragement.



Pulasta’s Final Presentation プラスタさん最終報告会

2024.10.22 未分類

Pulasta, a visiting student from IIT Madras, gave his final presentation. His remarkable activities in 2.5 years led to numerous trials and experiments, enabling him to solve various challenges and achieve significant results. Although he was a visiting student, he devoted himself to TUT, just like a regular student.

We wish him all the best in his future endeavors.



Welcome and Farewell Party at Atithi アティティでの歓送迎会

2024.10.21 未分類

Our lab student, Ammar Ghous, organized an excellent party at Atithi Toyohashi. We welcomed four new students and said goodbye to one student. It was a memorable night. Enjoy life in Toyohashi! We wish you all the best!

研究室の学生、Ammar Ghousさんに豊橋のアティティで素晴らしいパーティーを企画してもらいました。4人の新入生を歓迎し、1人の学生を見送ることになりました。忘れられない夜となりました。豊橋での生活を楽しんでください!皆さんの前途を心よりお祈りしています!

統率とゆるさのバランスBalance between structure and flexibility

2024.10.20 未分類



My first time joining Toyohashi Festival’s So-odori. We danced 4 songs repeatedly on the main street in front of the station. I didn’t know the steps but learned by watching others. I enjoyed dancing together with people from all over town.

Some groups were strict, while our group was relaxed – reminds me of our lab’s atmosphere. It’s always a challenge to find the right balance between structure and flexibility.

10位の挑戦 A Challenge from 10th Place

2024.10.19 未分類




We submitted two papers to an international conference. My best work (top 3!) was accepted for oral presentation! 🎉

Unfortunately, a former student’s paper (ranked 10th) was rejected 😥. I underestimated the revisions; 3 hours wasn’t enough. Getting this level accepted would prove our capability.

This motivates me to improve my conceptual diagram skills for future submissions. 💪

当事者だけが楽しめるもの The Joy Only Participants Can Feel

2024.10.18 未分類

週末、神輿で町内を練り歩いて、神社に奉納した。参加には少し気恥ずかしさもあるが、笛と爆竹を鳴らして神輿は公道を進む。 これらは祭の日だけ行える。そこには交通規制された道を走るマラソンに似たような、当事者の面白さがあった。またやってみてもいい。

Last weekend, I carried a mikoshi through town to the shrine. Though initially self-conscious, we paraded down streets with flutes and firecrackers – a festival-day exclusive. The excitement was like running a marathon on closed roads, a unique thrill for participants. I’d do it again.

University research is similar. We have the privilege of using cutting-edge equipment, valuable reagents, and collaborating with talented individuals. These experiences are unique to researchers. I encourage you to embrace this privilege and experience the excitement that only those involved can truly understand.



機械工学系 マイクロ・ナノ機械システム研究室

国立大学法人 豊橋技術科学大学


〒441-8580 愛知県豊橋市天伯町雲雀ヶ丘1-1

E-mail: web-info@hmn.me.tut.ac.jp

Copyright © 豊橋技術科学大学 ハイスループットマイクロ・ナノ工学研究室

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