学会前の朝ラン 2日目かつ最終日🏃‍♂️Morning Run Day 2 (Last Run) Before the Conference’s Final Day

2024.11.23 未分類

学会前の朝ラン🏃‍♂️ 2日目かつ最終日です。大学時代にフラフラしていたエリアは、大須、上前津、鶴舞なんです。


🏃‍♂️ During my morning run before the conference on its second and final day, I visited the areas where I used to hang out during my university days – Osu, Kamimaezu, and Tsuruma.

I jogged past nostalgic spots like Osu Kannon Temple 🛕, Yabaton 🐷, Sugakiya Osu 🍜, and Tsuruma Park 🏞️. While these areas have evolved with time, their essence remains unchanged. This is the kind of timeless value I want to pursue in life.

ルーセントタワー40階でのCBSバンケットCBS Banquet at Lucent Tower

2024.11.22 未分類


I attended the CBS conference banquet on Lucent Tower’s 40th floor in Nagoya. The night view was breathtaking, with illuminated Nagoya Castle to the east and the station square’s green lights to the south.

I engaged with American researchers. They taught their efficient approach to outsourcing biological materials, offering fresh insights beyond my traditional in-house methods ✨

名古屋での学会前の朝ランMorning Run Before the Conference in Nagoya

2024.11.21 未分類


I completed a 12km morning run 🏃 before the conference, visiting Nagoya Dome, Mitsubishi Electric, Tokugawa Garden, and Nagoya TV Tower.

At Mitsubishi Electric, I recalled my undergraduate visit 20 years ago to see their FA products. Later, a friend told me this was actually their prestigious division. This morning run became a fulfilling pre-conference exercise, mixing nostalgia with rediscovery.

CBS 2024で微生物サイボーグ🦠の招待講演 Invited Talk on Microorganism Cyborgs🦠 at CBS 2024

2024.11.20 未分類

名古屋大学の学会CBS 2024で微生物サイボーグ🦠の招待講演を行いました👨‍🔬 正直には、最高の準備ではなかったのです。


🦠👨‍🔬 I gave an invited talk on Microorganism Cyborgs at CBS 2024, Nagoya University. To be honest, my preparation wasn’t perfect.

However, the Euglena video prepared by my students was well-received by the audience! Good materials and presentation structure made it work. The view from the 8th floor of the EI Innovation Building was spectacular.

怒涛の2週間を駆け抜けて🇸🇬Wrapping up Two Exciting Weeks

2024.11.19 未分類


After an intense two weeks in 🇸🇬Singapore, mission accomplished! Taking a breather at 0°C in 🇨🇳Beijing while waiting for my Haneda flight. It’s been full work mode, but definitely worthwhile. Can’t wait to see my lab members and family back in Japan!

走って食べる板麺 Running for Ban Mian

2024.11.18 未分類

Running alone can get a bit monotonous, and I was craving some ban mian. After a 3km run west from SUTD, I arrived at Fei Lou Ban Mian. The noodles 🍜 had a gentle blend of Japanese udon and salt ramen flavors. The light broth was perfectly complemented by crispy fried anchovies.
At just 4.50 SGD (around 520 yen), it was a great deal and the perfect energy boost before heading back home.

Japanese School × Applied Materials(AMAT)

2024.11.17 未分類

① シンガポール日本人学校チャンギ校を初めて見ました。重厚な白い建物が印象的です。
② 真向かいには米半導体装置メーカーのApplied Materials本社があります。土曜日の夜7時でも普通に働いています。シンガポールでは珍しいのでは?

🏃‍♂️I ran through the unexplored industrial area, north of SUTD.
(1) I came across the Japanese School Changi Campus for the first time. Its white building looks majestic.
(2) Right across the street is Applied Materials, a semiconductor equipment manufacturer. People are still working there at 7 PM on Saturday – quite unusual for Singapore, isn’t it?
These unexpected discoveries are why I can’t give up outdoor running.

SUTDの仲間とピザ Pizza Night with SUTD

2024.11.16 未分類

🍕 SUTD教員飲み会7名。皆さん欧米での経験を経て、SUTDを選んで働いている。SUTDの外国人教員比率は50%。シンガポールは外国人材が活躍できる環境がある。日本も選ばれる国になれば、人口減少時代も価値を生み出せるのでは?


🍕 Had dinner with 6 SUTD faculty members. They all chose SUTD after their Western experiences. With international faculty at 50%, SUTD reflects Singapore’s environment where global talent naturally thrives. Could Japan create new value in its aging society by becoming equally attractive to international talent?

The Neapolitan pizza, prosciutto, and Christmas decorations were wonderful. Thank you for inviting me! ✨

フェアなことを発言してしまった I Couldn’t Help Speaking Up for Fairness

2024.11.15 未分類

会議で計算ミス発覚!😱 担当者一人で負担することに。私「ミスはみんなで分担しましょう!」と青臭く発言。


A calculation error was discovered during a meeting! 😱 It was decided that one person would bear the burden alone. I naively spoke up, “Let’s share the responsibility for this mistake together!”

The outcome didn’t change, but I have no regrets! The spirit of fairness I inherited from my mentor still pushes me forward today. Though staying quiet would have been easier, I somehow feel proud of myself ✌

SUTDでのディワリDeepavali at SUTD

2024.11.14 未分類



Drawn by karaoke songs,🎤 I found SUTD’s Deepavali celebration. Though the main festival ended October 31st, they held this event on November 13th as festivities extend longer here.

Indians are indeed a major community in Singapore. It’s amazing how they celebrate late into night without alcohol. I often find myself connecting with Indian culture and enjoy these cross-cultural experiences.🌍



機械工学系 マイクロ・ナノ機械システム研究室

国立大学法人 豊橋技術科学大学


〒441-8580 愛知県豊橋市天伯町雲雀ヶ丘1-1

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