月別アーカイブ : 2025年3月

シンガポール滞在もいよいよ終盤へWrapping Up My Stay in Singapore

2025.03.07 未分類

シンガポールでの研究業務もこの3月で終わります。セントレアから移動し、シンガポールは船が多いのが特徴量ですよね。夜、上空から停泊中の船が綺麗です🌃🚢。最後に来た11月から考えるともう4ヶ月ぶり。この30℃ぐらいの暑さも懐かしい。 今回の滞在で、無事に色々なものを引き払ってきます💪

My research assignment in Singapore will conclude this March!

Traveling from Centrair Airport, I was reminded of how unique Singapore is with its countless ships. At night, the view of anchored vessels from above is stunning 🌃🚢.

It’s been four months since my last visit in November, and the 30°C heat feels nostalgic after being away for so long. During this stay, I’ll be wrapping up everything smoothly and preparing for the next chapter 💪.

永井学術財団の授賞式に参加し、次の種を仕込む 🌱 🌾Attending the Nagai Foundation Award Ceremony and Planting Seeds for Future Research

2025.03.04 未分類

🏆 本日、名古屋で永井学術財団の授賞式でした。選んで頂いた方、推薦して頂いた方に感謝です。理事長にもお会いして、気さくな方だなあと感じました。

🌱 こういう式は、次の研究の種を仕込むいい機会になってます。医学部や産総研の方ともお話ができ、次の研究の方向性が見えたのも収穫です🌾

🏆 Received an award today from the Nagai Foundation for Science and Technology in Nagoya. Grateful to the selection committee and my recommenders. The Chairman was approachable.

🌱 Such events create opportunities for future research ideas. Talks with medical school and AIST colleagues revealed promising new research directions 🌾

論文が採択されたら、どこまで喜ぶべき?How much should we celebrate when a paper gets accepted?

2025.03.03 未分類



How much should we celebrate when a paper gets accepted? My paper, submitted last July, has finally been accepted—a meaningful moment of celebration.

For lunch, my son steered me to a Western-style restaurant. The fluffy omelette rice and crab croquette were delicious, but I didn’t overindulge. I try to keep my emotions steady and maintain a stable pace. Still, maybe I should let myself celebrate a bit more.

ラリー三河湾で負い目を解消するResolving My Guilt at Rally Mikawa Bay

2025.03.02 未分類


#ラリー三河湾 #蒲郡 #ラリーカー

Despite being a mechanical engineering major, I’ve always felt guilty for not being passionate about cars. Yet, by chance, I visited Rally Mikawa Bay held in Gamagori 🏎️
The atmosphere was like a festival centered around rally cars and car culture. For a moment, my interest in rally cars was sparked, so I feel like I’ve somewhat resolved my guilt ✨

#RallyMikawaBay #Gamagori #RallyCars



機械工学系 マイクロ・ナノ機械システム研究室

国立大学法人 豊橋技術科学大学


〒441-8580 愛知県豊橋市天伯町雲雀ヶ丘1-1

E-mail: web-info@hmn.me.tut.ac.jp

Copyright © 豊橋技術科学大学 ハイスループットマイクロ・ナノ工学研究室

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