月別アーカイブ : 2025年2月

期待値対策としてのマインスイーパMinesweeper: A Strategy for Managing Expectations

2025.02.12 未分類

After the interview, I wasn’t selected. Having overly high expectations can lead to disappointment. This time, I learned the importance of identifying risks (landmines) from public information and adjusting my expectations. Still, I’m grateful for the growth! 🤗

実験系研究室の最適な人数規模Determining the Optimal Size for a Research Lab

2025.02.11 未分類

I thought reducing the number of students in my lab would make management easier, but it was wishful thinking.
With only 10 undergraduates and master’s students, maintaining the same research quality would be difficult.
I’ve decided to focus on utilizing the current 30 students effectively. As I reflect, I’m enjoying a Japanese lunch. It’s delicious and gentle—a small comfort in a busy day.

キャベツを見ながら研究を進めるAdvancing Research While Gazing at Cabbage Fields

2025.02.07 未分類



Research must align with demand to hold value, much like the cabbage fields around the university. With cabbage prices soaring recently, these fields perfectly meet market needs, resembling a treasure trove.

Watching this, I reflect on my own work—progressing through paper reviews and writing. It’s not a bad life. The quiet environment here is ideal for refining thoughts and focusing deeply.

B1学生に向けた研究室紹介は簡単ではないLab Introduction to Freshmen: Not as Easy as It Seems

2025.02.06 未分類


Taking on the challenge of introducing our lab to freshmen today. Content and level settings were tricky – I prepared 50 slides but selected 30 based on their reactions during the presentation.

Surprisingly, they connected well with advanced medical research topics and seemed to grasp our work. Such a relief! ✌

学術論文との戦いThe Battle with My Journal Paper

2025.02.04 未分類



The figures for my first-author paper were completed last August. Due to its complexity and other priorities, I couldn’t make any progress – until now. Finally securing a substantial block of time, I completed the main text in one concentrated effort!

As a manager, balancing research with administrative duties has been challenging. Yet, I’m thrilled to have overcome this major hurdle and taken this significant step forward in my research.

風邪を治して唐揚げ定食を完食Recovery Complete: Finishing a Hearty Karaage Set

2025.02.03 未分類

On Saturday, I woke up with a sore throat. By resting and conserving energy, I recovered in a day and was even able to run the next day.
Made my first visit to Watarai Restaurant. The portions were generous and service excellent. Though I shared a piece of chicken with my son, I finished the whole meal. A good appetite shows I’m recovering well.
It’s wonderful to bounce back quickly from mild symptoms and enjoy life again!

ゲーセンの期待値 Game probabilities at arcades

2025.02.02 未分類

I rarely visit arcades without a reason, but APINA’s shareholder benefits gave me the chance. My son tried the super ball and candy scooping games, losing five times each—these machines need careful setting analysis.
Air hockey surprised us with 10+ pucks. No prizes, but fun.
Even as an adult, I enjoy analyzing game probabilities. Thanks to my investment, I had a great experience.

Note: This post shares a personal experience. Investments should be made at your own risk. It does not recommend any specific company or investment strategy.



機械工学系 マイクロ・ナノ機械システム研究室

国立大学法人 豊橋技術科学大学


〒441-8580 愛知県豊橋市天伯町雲雀ヶ丘1-1

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Copyright © 豊橋技術科学大学 ハイスループットマイクロ・ナノ工学研究室

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