一日中、内勤でした。一度落ちた賞、今回はもらえるとの通知がありました。中には3回目の応募でもらえた賞もあります。 この一年を振り返っても、色々な申請が不採用ですよね。そのときに必要以上に落ち込まないことが大切です。運もあるし、修正したら、通るかもしれないんだし。 選考していただいた方々には、感謝いたします。 I spent today working in the office. I received wonderful news about winning an award that I had failed to get before. In fact, one of my awards came after three attempts. This year has seen its share of rejections. However, it’s crucial not to get too discouraged. Sometimes it’s about luck, and sometimes a revised application can lead to success. I’m grateful to all those involved in the selection process.
I met my former supervisor at a conference in Taiwan. When I mentioned being busy with academic society responsibilities, he advised: “Why not delegate to younger colleagues? This would help their growth, letting you focus on what only you can do.”
I had been handling tasks myself with self-satisfaction, but now I see how narrow my view was. It’s heartwarming to still receive such guidance from my mentor after graduation.
White rice vs brown rice, refined vs brown sugar. While refined products may taste better instantly, unrefined ones are healthier.
Conference presentations are like “refined data.” I’m not good at viewing them continuously – it feels like craving home cooking after eating out too much.
Back in my lab, working with “raw data” made me feel at ease. Today reminded me how important it is to have a home ground.
We held an information session about Toyohashi University of Technology at Tokyo National College of Technology. Mr. Ohno, a Tokyo KOSEN alumnus, joined us to share insights from a KOSEN student’s perspective.
Learning that some Mechanical Engineering classes now have up to 10 female students shows an exciting new trend. We look forward to welcoming these future students in Toyohashi.
お寺参りと状態に相関がある?「参拝できる = 時間的・精神的な余裕がある( 良好な状態)」がありうる。迷信ではなく、社会科学的な観点から説明できそう。 2025年は、参拝できる程度の余裕のある生活を心がけよう。 Visiting Toyokawa Inari in late January 2025. The temple grounds remain crowded with visitors, while stone foxes in their red bibs create a striking scene. Could temple visits mirror one’s life condition? The ability to visit temples suggests having time and peace of mind – not just folklore, but perhaps a social indicator of well-being. For 2025: keep a life peaceful enough for temple visits.
The late December was a busy period with international student admission reviews and undergraduate thesis evaluations. While both tasks benefit from dedicated time and attention, I regret the sudden halt in updates.
Once interrupted, finding the right timing to resume proved unexpectedly challenging. Now that things have settled down a bit, I plan to gradually restart regular updates.
さてどこから話を再開しましょうか。1/17、学会で行ったバンコクでも夕方に走りました。都心にあるルンピニー公園に行ってみました。これは高層ビルに囲まれていて、東京で言う皇居ランみたいな感じでした。公園内は走りやすいです。走りを優先するなら、次からはこの公園近くに宿を取ってもいいですね。 Let me tell you about my recent run. On January 17th, while in Bangkok for a conference, I went running in the evening. I visited Lumpini Park, located in the heart of the city. Surrounded by skyscrapers, it reminded me of running around the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. The park paths are excellent for running. If running is a priority for my next visit, I might consider booking accommodation near this park.
On January 16th, I gave an invited talk and served as a session chair at ICANM conference at Chulalongkorn University. Having Professor Osamu Tabata from Japan there was very reassuring. While it was challenging to find the right focus points for such a diverse audience, I managed to get through it successfully.
At the end, I took both group photos and individual photos with all presenters. Creating such memories seems to enhance everyone’s satisfaction with the conference experience.
Using a cost-effective Chinese laser in our research, I visited Hamamatsu Industrial Technology Support Center (Miyakoda) with my student Ohno on Jan 14th.
Using their optical spectrum analyzer with helpful staff support, we completed measurements within 2 hours. The results confirmed the laser met specifications. Such routine verifications, while often overlooked, are vital for research quality! 😊
On January 9th, I found sheep under the solar panels near my university. Could this be for weed control? It’s interesting how they’re using sheep instead of robots or manual labor! 🐑
In my research, I have Euglena push objects – also working with microorganisms. Seeing these sheep made me feel a connection to my research – both using nature’s help. How heartwarming! 🤗
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