月別アーカイブ : 2024年11月

週末バクテー倶楽部2nd Weekend Bak Kut Teh Club, Round 2

2024.11.11 未分類



Weekend Bak Kut Teh Club, Round 2! Since there aren’t many Bak Kut Teh places near SUTD, I took a 40-minute MRT ride to Leong Kee Bak Kut Teh.

On top of the bubbling clay pot was likely sunny lettuce. The herbal broth simmered with soy sauce and herbs in perfect harmony. The pork and tofu skin soaked in the broth, soothing my tired body 😌.
Ready for Monday! 🍲


3人のけんと Three ‘Kentos’

2024.11.10 未分類



What makes me react so strongly to the name ‘Kento’? Well, my son often plays with his friend Kento-kun, and the songs by ‘Kocchi no Kento’ never fail to lift my spirits.

That’s why my heart skipped a beat when I spotted ‘Toyohashi’s Kento-kun’ mascot at a school festival. All these Kentos share the character ‘健’ (ken), which represents health. With the power of these ‘Kentos,’ let’s live each day with health and happiness!

アピタと財団 締切と研究の救世主APITA and the Foundation: Saviors of the Deadline and Research

2024.11.09 未分類



On August 31st, I was racing against the grant application deadline. A railway accident on the Meitetsu line disrupted my plans. I made my final revisions at APITA Iwakura mall, submitting via WiFi just before their 10 PM closing. The IT research foundation has a 15% acceptance rate.

Then came the surprise – an acceptance letter arrived by mail in Japan. This grant allows me to continue my research. I’m simply happy.

情報処理モンスターという武器 Data-processing monster as Weapon

2024.11.08 未分類




What’s a researcher’s secret weapon? For me, it’s becoming an “information processing monster.”

In academia, we need people who can devour massive amounts of information and transform it into new discoveries.

These skills could lead to success in industry too. But I love the research world – the freedom to explore is priceless.

#情報処理モンスター, #Information_processing_monster

箱を作るにも箱の制限がBuilding a Box Within Constraints

2024.11.07 未分類



Our times inevitably shape how we express creativity. Even today, I sometimes feel confined by society’s invisible box.

But here’s a box my son created, and it makes me realize how much times have changed. When I was his age, about 30 years ago, making something like this felt beyond my reach. I’m grateful we now live in an era with fewer creative restrictions.

強制朝シフトの功罪Pros and Cons of Forced Early Shift

2024.11.06 未分類



While most SUTD staff work from 9 AM to 5 PM, I start my day at 7 AM to align with 9 AM meetings in Japan. The floor is quiet with only the department head and me present. The early start is especially tough after late-night flights 😫.

Since meetings with Japan end at their 5 PM (our 4 PM), I can leave early. Despite the challenging schedule, I’ve come to enjoy both the peaceful campus at dawn and my free time in the late afternoon 😊.

睡眠重視の手札A New Card: Prioritizing Sleep

2024.11.05 未分類



On my previous Penang trip, I took two consecutive Singapore Airlines’ midnight economy flights to save costs. Some brief naps made subsequent work difficult.

This time, I chose business class via Beijing at a reasonable price. The flat-bed seat provided perfect sleep. Waking up over Ho Chi Minh City, I felt refreshed. Though slightly tired in Singapore, I was in better shape than after economy. Quality sleep beats travel time.

手札を増やしてみるAdding New Card to My Hand

2024.11.04 未分類



There are countless ways to travel to Singapore for research. I had always stuck to direct flights, but they were unusually expensive this season.

Surprisingly, Air China’s business class was cheaper than Singapore Airlines’ economy. While layovers add some inconvenience, priority boarding helps avoid queues and fatigue. Broadening my perspective has given me a new card to play.

10kmの影との戦い10K: Battle with the Shadow

2024.11.03 未分類



Second Toyohashi Minato City Marathon. As I start running, my legs feel heavy. It’s tough. Hot. What am I fighting against? It’s my shadow.

Where have you been, the OS that transcends my shadow? I never see you in daily life. 10km in 43:50. The improvement from last year and this victory over my shadow – that feels good.


企画力はまだ生きているThe Spirit of Organization Lives On

2024.11.02 未分類



People often say that students these days have lost their ability to organize social gatherings since COVID. It’s like a vanishing traditional art. Yet somehow, our lab is different – this skill remains vibrant here.

I’m amazed at how we’ve gathered such talented organizers. I’m grateful for yesterday’s lab party organization. It was truly enjoyable.



機械工学系 マイクロ・ナノ機械システム研究室

国立大学法人 豊橋技術科学大学


〒441-8580 愛知県豊橋市天伯町雲雀ヶ丘1-1

E-mail: web-info@hmn.me.tut.ac.jp

Copyright © 豊橋技術科学大学 ハイスループットマイクロ・ナノ工学研究室

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