パン屋としての優先順位、技術屋の私の着目点とズレてるBakery Priorities vs. My Tech Perspective: A Misalignment of Focus

2025.03.26 未分類




Visiting my hometown, we stopped by a local bakery. Mom appreciated the quality ingredients, while I observed from a tech perspective 👀

The AI-powered checkout system “Bakery Scan” amazed me! It instantly identifies bread just by placing it on the counter. Yet surprisingly, the overall process still takes quite some time. The staff handling drinks and custom salads 🥗 seemed to slow things down 🤔

If I were a business owner, I might consider implementing it if the system is affordable and I only sold bread 😎 I’m such a tech guy! But in the end, the bread itself is what matters most, right? 🧐



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