研究費申請、難易度高すぎ問題 The difficulty of research grant applications is a serious issue.

2024.09.28 未分類




The difficulty of research grant applications is a serious issue. Students applied for the JSPS Research Fellowship, but the acceptance rate is just over 10%. With limited application attempts, it’s like an ultra-hard stage in a game.

The research grant I recently applied for had a 5% acceptance rate. I wasn’t successful.

However, there are scholarships and research grants with acceptance rates around 50%, which might be worth exploring. Low probability applications increase fatigue due to multiple attempts. Sometimes, it’s important to recover your life points with an easier stage.



機械工学系 マイクロ・ナノ機械システム研究室

国立大学法人 豊橋技術科学大学


〒441-8580 愛知県豊橋市天伯町雲雀ヶ丘1-1

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