月別アーカイブ : 2024年9月

シンガポールSUTDでの半年を振り返るReflecting on six months at SUTD in Singapore

2024.09.29 未分類



Reflecting on six months at SUTD in Singapore as I return home today.

An ideal workplace for a dual-base lifestyle. English-speaking environment, good security, and excellent facilities allow for focused work. Rent is challenging, but travel to Japan is easy. Maintaining the lab in Japan (about 30 people) is somewhat difficult. However, gaining new perspectives has broadened my thinking.

研究費申請、難易度高すぎ問題 The difficulty of research grant applications is a serious issue.

2024.09.28 未分類




The difficulty of research grant applications is a serious issue. Students applied for the JSPS Research Fellowship, but the acceptance rate is just over 10%. With limited application attempts, it’s like an ultra-hard stage in a game.

The research grant I recently applied for had a 5% acceptance rate. I wasn’t successful.

However, there are scholarships and research grants with acceptance rates around 50%, which might be worth exploring. Low probability applications increase fatigue due to multiple attempts. Sometimes, it’s important to recover your life points with an easier stage.


2024.09.28 未分類


海外から修士論文の中間発表会にオンラインで参加 I joined the master’s thesis interim presentation online from abroad.

2024.09.27 未分類




I joined the master’s thesis interim presentation online from abroad. Graphs are a bit hard to see, but manageable with the provided abstract.

Our five master’s students have evolved to give great presentations. They’ve all grown so much! 👏

Remote supervision doesn’t change the process. Feedback on presentation materials is effective. Since they can’t see my face, praising good points might be crucial 💻 By addressing emotional aspects, we can nullify distance ✨

シンガポールポリテクのILF 2024で発表Presented at ILF 2024 at Singapore Polytechnic

2024.09.25 未分類

シンガポールポリテクのILF 2024で発表。ChatGPT活用教育が主流の中、私の設計ものづくり教育は異色。AIは便利だが、概念操作に留まる。実体操作には実物が不可欠。


Presented at ILF 2024 at Singapore Polytechnic. While ChatGPT-assisted education was mainstream, my design and manufacturing education stood out as unique. AI is useful but limited to conceptual operations. Physical objects are essential for hands-on manipulation.

Thanks for the questions about laser cutters from the audience. It made me realize that manufacturing is a collection of small challenges, which creates an entry barrier.

豊橋技術科学大学、学部1年生向けの「機械工学入門」Introduction to Mechanical Engineering’ for first-year students at Toyohashi University of Technology!

2024.09.23 未分類



I’ve been assigned to teach one session of ‘Introduction to Mechanical Engineering’ for first-year students at Toyohashi University of Technology! It’s a 90-minute class, but what’s interesting? What’s easy to understand?

Although it’s ‘Mechanical Engineering,’ I realized that the recent focus is on ‘Human-AI interaction! Like Sota Fujii in shogi’ Based on this idea, I created a diagram of an expanded 5-agent model. I hope the students will enjoy the discussion.

Venkatesh君の博士卒業式 Venkatesh’s doctoral graduation ceremony

2024.09.20 未分類


I participated in Venkatesh’s doctoral graduation ceremony via YouTube. Knowing that I couldn’t attend in person, I had taken a photo in advance. I wish him great success in his future endeavors.

日米の評価スケールの違いDifferences in Evaluation Scales Between Japan and the US

2024.09.19 未分類




I responded to a survey about hosting four Americans in Toyohashi for a short period through an NSF program. The survey had 30 questions and resulted in a mini-report of about 1,300 words.

Although the sample size is small, I found that compared to Japanese speakers, American English speakers use praise expressions that are a level higher. I also remembered that the Argentinian professor who came through JSPS had high energy levels too. For example, words like “Awesome” or “Wonderful” don’t naturally come up in Japanese.

However, if we could appropriately use such strong words of praise, it might be more effective in communication. Shifting the evaluation scale slightly towards the positive side when interacting with others could lead to building better relationships.

自習用「機械工作法I」の教科書Self-study textbook for “Mechanical Manufacturing Methods”

2024.09.16 未分類



While staying in Singapore, reduced face-to-face classes are a challenge. As a countermeasure, I created a self-study textbook for “Mechanical Manufacturing Methods”. It emphasizes student-friendly comprehension using a dialogue format.

Completed content for 7 lessons (120 pages) in 2 days. Efficiency improved by using Claude to convert PowerPoint to Word. Will be used from October.

高専体験実習報告会Report meeting for the National Institute of Technology internship experience

2024.09.13 未分類


We held an online report meeting for the National Institute of Technology internship experience. Although I participated from Singapore, it led to confirming the students’ understanding and deepening their learning. Thank you to the two students from Niihama National Institute of Technology and mentor Rafia for participating.



機械工学系 マイクロ・ナノ機械システム研究室

国立大学法人 豊橋技術科学大学


〒441-8580 愛知県豊橋市天伯町雲雀ヶ丘1-1

E-mail: web-info@hmn.me.tut.ac.jp

Copyright © 豊橋技術科学大学 ハイスループットマイクロ・ナノ工学研究室

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