成績入力の最終日、試行錯誤しながらなんとか終わりました!最近柑橘類が高いですが、愛南町のふるさと納税で訳あり「ポンカン」5kgをゲット🍊✨ 見た目は不揃いでも、酸味と甘味のバランスが絶妙。みかんよりプリッとした食感も良いですね。疲れた頭にぴったりの回復アイテムでした😊 It was the final day for grade submissions, and after much trial and error, I finally completed it! Citrus fruits have been pricey lately, but I got 5kg of “imperfect” Ponkan through Ainan Town’s hometown tax program 🍊✨.
They may look uneven, but their sweet-tangy balance is amazing. Firmer and juicier than mandarins, they were the perfect pick-me-up for my tired mind 😊.
修士論文発表、当研究室の学生5名が無事に終わりました!🎓 修正が終わるか危ぶまれる発表もありましたが、最後はこの笑顔😊✨ 副査として9名分の審査も担当し、負荷の分だけ新しい視点や機械工学の幅広い学びを得られました。報酬は「学び」と思える瞬間です。機会に感謝!📚✨ #修士論文発表 #研究室 #学びが報酬 The master’s thesis presentations by five students from our lab have successfully concluded! 🎓 Though some revisions were challenging, we ended with these smiles 😊✨. As a subcommittee member, I reviewed nine theses from other labs, gaining broader insights into mechanical engineering. Learning is the reward, and I’m grateful for this opportunity! 📚✨ #MasterThesisPresentation #ResearchLab #LearningIsReward
Writing and reviewing can really drain your focus, right? That’s why I include some strategies to recharge. A 10km run helps reset my mind, followed by some playtime with my son at the park 🏐✨.
Exercise clears my head and gives me the energy to push forward again. It’s these moments that help me get through each day 😊.
Had lunch at LATERRE, which has a dog park. It’s conveniently close to the university, and the atmosphere of being surrounded by dogs is so inspiring. The food is authentic and delightful, both visually and in taste.
Over the past year, I’ve been dealing with a few downside risks, but they’ve eased over the past week. Spending time in such a relaxing space with dogs makes me feel that sense of relief and puts me in a great mood.
Final exams are done, and we had 10 presentations in the lab. A busy Thursday, but surprisingly fulfilling and not tiring. The freedom to set exam questions and research directions myself is what makes this job so rewarding.
Photo: A run near Toyo River. Perfect weather with warm sunshine—great for running!
面接後の不採択。なんでも期待値を高く持つとダメージが大きい。今回は、公開情報から地雷を見抜き、期待値を調整する重要性を学びました。でも成長に感謝!🤗 After the interview, I wasn’t selected. Having overly high expectations can lead to disappointment. This time, I learned the importance of identifying risks (landmines) from public information and adjusting my expectations. Still, I’m grateful for the growth! 🤗
研究室の学生数を減らすと、運営するのが楽だと妄想していた。しかし、実験系の研究の進展という面では、幻想だったかな。 もし1研究室を学部生と修士の学生だけで、10人規模にしたら?同じ質と量で研究を進めるの難しい。 妄想は止めて、今の30人を活かす方法を考えながら、昼食は日本食です。おいしいやさしい。 I thought reducing the number of students in my lab would make management easier, but it was wishful thinking. With only 10 undergraduates and master’s students, maintaining the same research quality would be difficult. I’ve decided to focus on utilizing the current 30 students effectively. As I reflect, I’m enjoying a Japanese lunch. It’s delicious and gentle—a small comfort in a busy day.
Research must align with demand to hold value, much like the cabbage fields around the university. With cabbage prices soaring recently, these fields perfectly meet market needs, resembling a treasure trove.
Watching this, I reflect on my own work—progressing through paper reviews and writing. It’s not a bad life. The quiet environment here is ideal for refining thoughts and focusing deeply.
先進医療の問題でも、彼らは身近に感じてくれたようです。我々の研究内容も理解してくれたようで、一安心です✌ Taking on the challenge of introducing our lab to freshmen today. Content and level settings were tricky – I prepared 50 slides but selected 30 based on their reactions during the presentation.
Surprisingly, they connected well with advanced medical research topics and seemed to grasp our work. Such a relief! ✌
The figures for my first-author paper were completed last August. Due to its complexity and other priorities, I couldn’t make any progress – until now. Finally securing a substantial block of time, I completed the main text in one concentrated effort!
As a manager, balancing research with administrative duties has been challenging. Yet, I’m thrilled to have overcome this major hurdle and taken this significant step forward in my research.
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