追いコン、研究室のM2が5名修了でした😂 彼らはノビノビと研究生活を送ったと推測します。活躍をお祈りしております🙏
画一効率の対極にあるのが私の研究室です。出自がばらけていて、研究室運営が難しいです🌍宗教上の理由で、全員食べられるもののチョイスが困難になっています。最大公約数の店にすれば、どちらも不満が溜まりそうです🤔 インド料理の店も正解っぽいですが、ホームパーティー的にして全員満足を成立させたいですね。
Our lab’s farewell party saw five M2 students graduate 😂 I suppose they had a relaxed research life. Wishing them success in their future endeavors 🙏
Surprisingly, we had a quiz competition! I felt a bit embarrassed as some questions were from my posts 😱
Our lab is the antithesis of uniform efficiency. With diverse backgrounds, lab management is challenging 🌍 Due to religious reasons, it’s difficult to choose food that everyone can eat. If we go for a common denominator restaurant, both sides might end up unsatisfied 🤔 An Indian restaurant seems like a good option, but I’d like to organize a home party-style event to ensure everyone’s satisfaction.