I welcomed visitors from Kyoto University and showed them around our laboratories. We discussed how we should utilize Toyohashi Tech’s resources. 🤔
We excel at device and equipment development – being able to customize and maintain equipment in-house without relying on vendors. This capability is clearly demonstrated in our robotics competitions! 🤖
I was pleased that our dinner together deepened our mutual understanding. 😊
お客さんとの議論で見つかる研究室の強み🤖Lab Strengths Discovered Through Dialogue with Visitors
2024.12.11 未分類
- 本当にハッピーになるためにTo be truly happy
- 浜松でバイオマイクロシステム道場=>学会へつなげ Bio-Microsystem Dojo in Hamamatsu => Path to Conferences
- バイオマイクロシステム道場 第4回開催レポートBio-Microsystem Dojo 4th Meeting Report
- 静岡大学への道すがら、浜松の家康くんと出会う Meeting Ieyasu-kun in Hamamatsu: A Stop on My Way to Shizuoka University
- 京都大学へ向かう道中も楽しみますEnjoying every step to Kyoto University