学会初の朝ジョギング会で新たな交流!The first Morning Jog Club Creates New Conference Connections!

2024.11.26 未分類



Inspired by Hashimoto-san, we launched the conference’s first morning jogging club, curious about who would join us in Sendai’s chilly dawn.

Four runners gathered on our inaugural day for a photo by the Kokeshi monument. We completed three laps of Nishi Park, covering 3km. This energizing morning activity was a welcome alternative to evening meetings. We’ve created a LINE group and look forward to growing our jogging community! 🏃‍♂️



機械工学系 マイクロ・ナノ機械システム研究室

国立大学法人 豊橋技術科学大学


〒441-8580 愛知県豊橋市天伯町雲雀ヶ丘1-1

E-mail: web-info@hmn.me.tut.ac.jp

Copyright © 豊橋技術科学大学 ハイスループットマイクロ・ナノ工学研究室

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