月別アーカイブ : 2024年10月

研究室の3Dプリンタ刷新!Lab 3D Printer Upgrade!

2024.10.08 未分類


  • FDM方式とLCD方式のプリンタを各3台導入
  • 目的:老朽化対策とスピード改善
  • 投資額:1台10万円未満と比較的安価

※写真は前回購入したElegoo Saturn3 Ultraの箱です。新しい機器の開封レポートは後日投稿予定!

#3Dプリンタ #研究室 #技術革新

In our lab, we frequently use 3D printers. The technological advancements in this field are remarkable, with equipment feeling outdated in just 2-3 years. This presents both challenges and research opportunities.

Our latest update:

  • Introduced 3 FDM and 3 LCD printers
  • Purpose: Addressing aging equipment and improving speed
  • Investment: Relatively affordable at under 100,000 yen(JPY) per printer

We’re hoping this bulk introduction will boost our research output!

*The photo shows the box of our previously purchased Elegoo Saturn3 Ultra. Stay tuned for an unboxing report of the new equipment!

#3DPrinter #ResearchLab #TechInnovation

勝利至上主義とナラティブ、どちらが優勢か?Which prevails: win-at-all costs or narrative?

2024.10.07 未分類



The Chunichi Dragons, despite finishing last for three consecutive years, still drew over 2.3 million fans. Increasing attendance even with losses defies intuition. Which prevails in life: the win-at-all-costs mentality or narrative (storytelling)?

As a PI, I should know the path to victory in grant applications and papers. Even when children lose at a sports day, we can find enjoyment in the narrative. Mastering the narrative is a path to achieving both.

研究室での論文指導: 個別添削の課題と限界Academic Writing Supervision in Research Labs: Challenges and Limits of Individual Feedback

2024.10.04 未分類



Quality education, in my opinion, involves personally editing and commenting on all outgoing manuscripts. However, when the volume is high and deadlines are approaching, I become overwhelmed.

It’s impossible to finish in one round, and with around 30 people in the lab, it’s quite a task. The number of manuscripts one can properly proofread likely corresponds to the upper limit of students one can effectively supervise in higher education. For me, perhaps it’s 40 students?

画像:Playground 3で生成したオリジナルイラスト

パキスタンからの留学生2名が修士課程で当研究室に参加Two new international students from Pakistan

2024.10.03 未分類



Today, we are welcoming two new international students from Pakistan joining our lab as master’s students. The image shows a commemorative photo with our new members. Welcome to Toyohashi! I will support you wholeheartedly, so let’s work together to achieve great research results.


早期研究室配属のための研究室見学Research laboratory visit for early assignment

2024.10.01 未分類




On my way to the university, spider lilies and rain lilies heralded the arrival of autumn.

This morning, a third-year undergraduate student expressed interest in early lab assignment. It doesn’t happen every year, so I felt a bit nervous too. I was impressed by the student’s enthusiasm, saying he “wants a lab where he can write papers.” I was also pleased that he had researched our work in advance.

Grateful for his interest in our lab and feeling hopeful about his potential participation, it was truly an autumn day filled with anticipation.



機械工学系 マイクロ・ナノ機械システム研究室

国立大学法人 豊橋技術科学大学


〒441-8580 愛知県豊橋市天伯町雲雀ヶ丘1-1

E-mail: web-info@hmn.me.tut.ac.jp

Copyright © 豊橋技術科学大学 ハイスループットマイクロ・ナノ工学研究室

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