一つの答えを豊橋造形パラダイスの植田小学校の展示で発見。電車が強い骨組み。そこに2, 4, 6年の作品が見事に調和している。強い枠組みがあれば、発達段階の違いを活かし、一つの作品に昇華できる。
A challenge in lab management: how to unite diverse student research while preserving individuality?
An answer was found in Ueta Elementary School’s display at Toyohashi Children’s Art Paradise. A train-shaped framework harmoniously integrates artwork from 2nd to 6th graders, showing how a solid structure can embrace different developmental stages as one cohesive piece.
This system is universal.
#豊橋造形パラダイス, #豊橋まつり, #ToyohashiArtParadise, #ToyohashiFestival