Encountered a brown praying mantis on my commute to the university. Has it changed from green to brown because of autumn? Why does its shape look so aggressive?
My curiosity continues to grow even as I age, though I’m no longer young enough to catch and keep them as pets.
好奇心増大 Growing Curiosity
2024.10.24 未分類
- 東京高専で豊橋技科大の説明会Information Session on Toyohashi University of Technology at Tokyo KOSEN
- 2025年豊川稲荷で考えるThoughts at Toyokawa Inari, 2025
- HP更新再開について / Resumption of Updates
- 学会中バンコク ルンピニー公園でもランニングRunning in Lumpini Park, Bangkok – During Conference
- チュラロンコン大学での学会ICANM/ ICANM conference at Chulalongkorn University