12月から1ヶ月ほど更新を中断していました。それは面接準備に追われたからです。ポジティブな情報が強く、期待値も高いと思いました。結果は不採択でしたが、貴重な経験になりました。 内部で推してくれた人のおかげで、新しい世界を見られました。公開情報からリスクを見抜く力も身につきました。挑戦して良かった!🤗 My month-long silence from December was due to interview preparations. The positive signals were strong and I had high expectations. Though I wasn’t selected, it was a valuable experience. Thanks to internal support, I got to see a new world. I also learned to read between the lines of public information. So glad I took the challenge! 🤗
研究室の学生数を減らすと、運営するのが楽だと妄想していた。しかし、実験系の研究の進展という面では、幻想だったかな。 もし1研究室を学部生と修士の学生だけで、10人規模にしたら?同じ質と量で研究を進めるの難しい。 妄想は止めて、今の30人を活かす方法を考えながら、昼食は日本食です。おいしいやさしい。 I thought reducing the number of students in my lab would make management easier, but it was wishful thinking. With only 10 undergraduates and master’s students, maintaining the same research quality would be difficult. I’ve decided to focus on utilizing the current 30 students effectively. As I reflect, I’m enjoying a Japanese lunch. It’s delicious and gentle—a small comfort in a busy day.
Research must align with demand to hold value, much like the cabbage fields around the university. With cabbage prices soaring recently, these fields perfectly meet market needs, resembling a treasure trove.
Watching this, I reflect on my own work—progressing through paper reviews and writing. It’s not a bad life. The quiet environment here is ideal for refining thoughts and focusing deeply.
先進医療の問題でも、彼らは身近に感じてくれたようです。我々の研究内容も理解してくれたようで、一安心です✌ Taking on the challenge of introducing our lab to freshmen today. Content and level settings were tricky – I prepared 50 slides but selected 30 based on their reactions during the presentation.
Surprisingly, they connected well with advanced medical research topics and seemed to grasp our work. Such a relief! ✌
The figures for my first-author paper were completed last August. Due to its complexity and other priorities, I couldn’t make any progress – until now. Finally securing a substantial block of time, I completed the main text in one concentrated effort!
As a manager, balancing research with administrative duties has been challenging. Yet, I’m thrilled to have overcome this major hurdle and taken this significant step forward in my research.
土曜日、朝起きると喉が痛かった。体力の消耗をセーブして、1日で大体治った。次の日には走れるようになったのは良し。 ワタライ食堂に初めての来訪。分量が多く、サービスはいいです。唐揚げを息子に一個あげて、すべて食べ切れました。食欲があるのも、治りが早い兆候。 軽微な症状で早く治って、また元気に過ごせて嬉しいですね。 On Saturday, I woke up with a sore throat. By resting and conserving energy, I recovered in a day and was even able to run the next day. Made my first visit to Watarai Restaurant. The portions were generous and service excellent. Though I shared a piece of chicken with my son, I finished the whole meal. A good appetite shows I’m recovering well. It’s wonderful to bounce back quickly from mild symptoms and enjoy life again!
理由がないと、ゲーセンには行かない。APINAの株主優待が機会をくれた。息子が欲しいスーパーボールとお菓子すくいは、各5連敗。台設定の見極めが必要だ。 エアーホッケーはパックが10個以上出てくるんですね。商品はないが、体験は面白い。 大人でも、ゲームの期待値探りは続く。投資の成果で新体験を楽しみました。 I rarely visit arcades without a reason, but APINA’s shareholder benefits gave me the chance. My son tried the super ball and candy scooping games, losing five times each—these machines need careful setting analysis. Air hockey surprised us with 10+ pucks. No prizes, but fun. Even as an adult, I enjoy analyzing game probabilities. Thanks to my investment, I had a great experience.
注釈:本投稿は個人的な体験を共有するものであり、投資は自己責任で行いましょう。特定の企業や投資方法を推奨するものではありません。 Note: This post shares a personal experience. Investments should be made at your own risk. It does not recommend any specific company or investment strategy.
一日中、内勤でした。一度落ちた賞、今回はもらえるとの通知がありました。中には3回目の応募でもらえた賞もあります。 この一年を振り返っても、色々な申請が不採用ですよね。そのときに必要以上に落ち込まないことが大切です。運もあるし、修正したら、通るかもしれないんだし。 選考していただいた方々には、感謝いたします。 I spent today working in the office. I received wonderful news about winning an award that I had failed to get before. In fact, one of my awards came after three attempts. This year has seen its share of rejections. However, it’s crucial not to get too discouraged. Sometimes it’s about luck, and sometimes a revised application can lead to success. I’m grateful to all those involved in the selection process.
I met my former supervisor at a conference in Taiwan. When I mentioned being busy with academic society responsibilities, he advised: “Why not delegate to younger colleagues? This would help their growth, letting you focus on what only you can do.”
I had been handling tasks myself with self-satisfaction, but now I see how narrow my view was. It’s heartwarming to still receive such guidance from my mentor after graduation.
White rice vs brown rice, refined vs brown sugar. While refined products may taste better instantly, unrefined ones are healthier.
Conference presentations are like “refined data.” I’m not good at viewing them continuously – it feels like craving home cooking after eating out too much.
Back in my lab, working with “raw data” made me feel at ease. Today reminded me how important it is to have a home ground.
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